Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Becoming Global Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Becoming Global - Coursework Example If the party promises to accept the agreement, the other party must promise to give something in return (Burnett, 2004). A valid offer has a clear communication and is specific and definite in its terms. Considering the above three proposals, the first proposal gives a valid offer. The contractor clearly communicates the terms of her offer. She also gives the time lapse of the offer. The other three offers only communicate the quantity of the product they would produce and the cost of purchasing them. They do not give definite terms of the offer (Moens & Gillies, 2000). Gloria wants to engage in a global business because she wants to expand her business. Her concern is that if she engages in a business with the large retailer supplier, she will have to cut down her costs. However, she should consider other issues. Such issues are the laws of that country, the taxes that she would pay and language issues. She should also consider employing trusted employees for her business to succeed ( Hayward, 2012). Gloria can protect herself and her family from persona liability by obtaining an insurance cover for her business. She can also have some by-laws that would allow another person from the company to act on her behalf (Annabel,

Monday, February 10, 2020

Poverty Issue In Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Poverty Issue In Canada - Essay Example However, the issue of poverty in Canada is very much alive and as the paper analyzes, there are several dimensions to the incidence of poverty in Canada. To quote the preeminent expert on Canadian poverty, Christopher Sarlo, â€Å"Poverty is not a MAJOR problem in Canada. This is not to say that there is no poverty, but, to underscore the fact that the issue is multi-dimensional, meaning that there is no one reason for poverty in Canada nor there is widespread poverty like in the developing world† (Sarlo, 1996). The point here is that like in other countries in the developed world, poverty in Canada affects some sections more than the others and hence it remains â€Å"hidden† from public view. Historically, the issue of Poverty in Canada was very much like that of the countries under British occupation and there were landed gentry and huge numbers of people who were struggling to make ends meet. The country was divided into concentrations of people who were living in conditions that could be described as appalling whereas there were huge swathes of land owned by a few who could be described as living pleasantly and were well-off. The history of poverty in Canada goes back to the 18th century where the British-North American lands were experiencing the industrial revolution that saw a high proportion of people being lifted out of poverty whereas the others continued to suffer under deprived conditions. In the 20th century, the onset of the Great Depression in the 1930’s witnessed the hitherto well-off slipping into lower income categories because of the losses suffered by them on account of the economic crisis. In the same way that the current economic crisis has pushed many middle class families into lower income brackets, the Great Depression affected Canada by reducing the middle class to a state of penury. After that the history of poverty has matched the cyclical processes of growth and